I am Pastor Joey M. Clark, a servant of Jesus Christ, and a teacher of Grace.

I was raised in a small town in West Tennessee, a stone’s throw from the Mississippi River and one block from the Baptist Church that my entire family attended.

After sitting through many terrifying hell fire and brimstone sermons and a thousand of Sunday school lessons about the life and times of Jesus, I tried my best to get saved. By the time I was a teenager I came to realize that I would never be able to attain the righteousness that they required. So, at sixteen years old, I walked away from my family, the church, and God. Thinking I was just one of those people who wasn’t predestined to go to Heaven and was doomed to Hell. The only time I thought of God was when I was blaming Him for how my life had turned out.

At twenty-four, penniless, and days from homelessness, I met Robbie, my wife of thirty seven years. She has been my rock and greatest supporter, then and through the last twenty years that I have spent in the ministry. At the age of 40, with my marriage crumbling, and once again facing homelessness, I reached out to God once more. I told Jesus that if He was real, He needed to let me know. I also prayed that day that He reveal to me the truth. Not peace, not salvation, just truth.

Three days later I had a dream. Jesus walked up to me out of a crowd of people and said these words, “Joey, everything’s gonna be alright”. When I awoke, I immediately realized that my prayer had been answered. A peace beyond compare came over me, and the truth that I had been seeking so diligently would be forthcoming shortly as well.

Two weeks later, a friend I hadn’t seen in ten years showed up at my door with the Gospel of the Grace of God.

Since that day, I have spent the last twenty years studying and teaching the word of truth found only in the Bible.

We started Grace Bible Church ten years ago. It was not out of some great desire to be a pastor or leader of men, but because I could not find a church anywhere close that taught justification through faith and faith alone. We have struggled at times to keep the doors open, but we now have a thriving congregation, grounded in the words of Ephesians Chapter 2 Verse 8 “For by grace are ye saved through faith: and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God”.

My desire is the same as God’s. That all men be saved, and come to the knowledge of the truth. It is my prayer that this website will help this cause in some small way.

Thank you and God Bless You,

Joey Clark

Church Services Times:


10:30 am (Pastor Joey Clark)

Wednesday Bible Study

7:00 pm (Pastor Joey Clark)

Church Location
Grace Bible Church

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Grace Bible Church 35.939691, -87.272880